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  1. wow am a juice person but never heard about these smoothies am excited to try them out a friend send your link for me on fb page today

    1. Wonderful! Thanks for taking the time to share – be sure to let me know which one is your favorite. 🙂 I find the fiber in smoothies sticks with me longer than juice… I’d be interested to hear if you notice a difference.

  2. Nice I am excited to try this one and others of yours. The ones I do regularly are repetitive, variety is welcomed. Will let you know my experience. I do find with my banana, protein powder, rice milk based smoothies curb my urge for “junk food”.

  3. I’ve been juicing for a couple of years, and it’s wonderful health wise. Thank you for so many new a wonderful smoothies to try. And try them I will, just made grocery list of all I need . Plu made copies of all. Thanks Again!

  4. OMG!!!! Beyond amazing and extremely refreshing. Super filling too. I just made some for hubby and I and we both loved it. We omitted the avocado and added more ginger because we love a that extra kick. This will be a daily thing for us. Even our 8yr old son who doesn’t eat anything green, and hates veggies actually enjoyed it.

      1. I only had half of an avocado left and I was saving it for my salad. LOL. I love avocado salad. I need to get some more avocados so I can try it with avocado next time I make the smoothie.

  5. Could the dates be left out? I like the idea of ingredients but do not care for any sweeteners in my smoothies.

  6. Hi Margaret

    I love your blog post, Cucumber Ginger Green Smoothie, and we would love to feature it on our website, Would it be OK for me to use one of your photos within my post? I will of course link back to your post.

    Thanks so much

  7. I absolutely love this smoothie; it is so fresh and light, but yet satisfying – really great combo of ingredients. Even my little kiddos liked it! I’m always looking for nourishing healthy foods for them to eat that they actually enjoy, and this one hit the mark 😉 Thanks for your recipes, inspiration, and encouragement here. I look forward to seeing what else you have on your website! 🙂

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