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  1. I am so glad you wrote this! Every time I attempt to eat a plant based diet I wake up after day one with painful sores on the roof of my mouth. Yesterday I made a commitment to give it another go and sure enough the sores were back this morning. I have apples, so that is what I’ll be having for breakfast.

    1. Hi Tracy – it’s not something that’s widely discussed in plant-based circles and that’s unfortunate because I imagine it’s a deterrent for a number of folks with HSV-1 or HSV-2. In addition to balancing arginine and lysine rich foods, taking a lysine supplement can also help prevent or reduce outbreaks to a minimum.

  2. What Leafy greens can I eat to make a salad having HSV 2? I’m going raw vegan. I was a raw vegan for 16 years I’ve been on a SAD diet for the past 10 years and have now been infected with HSV 2 and want to go back to eating raw. But with everything I’m reading it seems like that is not a good idea. Pls help

  3. Thank you so much for this. I’ve switched to an almost entirely meat-free diet for the last month or so and I’ve been eating a ton of lentils. I’ve also had the worst cold sore cluster of my life! 🙁 I googled it on a whim to see if there’s a connection and this post came up right away. I’ll be sure to eat more lysine-rich foods from now on.

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